Anyone who has ever attempted to learn another language knows it isn’t easy, and it doesn’t happen overnight. But practicing with others sure is more fun than going at it alone. Dalarna University to the rescue, here a project called “Tandem” started. Loretta Qvarnström, one of the initiators of Tandem, explains: “It is for anyone who’s interested in language and who wants to practice outside a classroom. It’s a regular chat room, but the difference is that you meet to practice your language, do exercises and ask each other questions.” You meet with someone whose language you want to learn, and who wants to learn your language as well, and then the two of you become conversation buddies. All you need to do is register at Dalarna University’s Tandem website and find someone in the different language rooms who speaks the language you’re interested in. From there you decide how you want to continue, via Skype, online or perhaps in real life.
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